I think the pilot was a lil tipsy today?

2007-08-31 8:48 am
seriously, I flew out to New Orleans today and he was cracking me up makin his annoucements. we were all laughing.
but then we took off and he had us tilting leeeeeeeft then tilting rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiight
then leeeeeft

we all got scared and quiet.. it was like a thunderous silence. know what i mean? ever had a drunken pilot before?

回答 (5)

2007-08-31 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Flew from Charleston WV to Washington DC with a pilot that was mad if he wasn't drunk.

They had closed the airport due to thunderstorms, when they opened it again we were 3rd in the queue (in a prop driver, 2 engine, rust bucket).

Only 3 planes took off before they closed the runway again.

Lighting hit the ground just after we took off, was flashing all around us, pilot was given option of returning to airport, but said no ....... he was playing his control tower chat over the internal speakers ............ and then seemed to deliberately head for the worst turbulence around.

What a flight, I loved it, but was glad to land at the end.
2007-08-31 4:07 pm
I've only been on a plane twice in my life. And both times it was perfect take offs and landings. I'm sure if I was on that plane with you I be telling you how much I love you and saying my prayers.
2007-08-31 3:50 pm
Maybe it was a snail driving?
2007-09-01 12:36 am
Did you bring your parachute? Have you prepare a will. jk.
2007-08-31 9:06 pm
No and I hope i never do. If i do I will ask the attendant to bring me whatever the pilot is havin'.LOL

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