Should i break up with him ?

2007-09-01 7:20 am
My bf is 12 yrs older than me ( 32, 44 )
His wife was passed away 3 yrs ago. His 10 yrs O kid is living w/ him
He treats me very well .i get along w/ his kid well
cuz he has a kid and his age, he doesnt want kids anymore..but I do want kid .I ve been stayed w/ him more than 1 yr. I don't have the peaceful mind yet.
dunno how to deal with the family pressure and friends ' view ..How
do they think about " step -mom" ?
Lately, 2 boys are approaching me .What should i do ?

回答 (3)

2007-09-01 1:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i hope you can read Chinese, if not please let someone translate to you, because chinese is better to express my mine, thank you!

我是一個36歲男, 未緍同女友十年, 但恕我直言, 我們的年紀要找伴侶, 好多人都有他們的故事同經歷, 你個問題不是因為他的經歷, 因你們相識是應該也知道他的背景 , 問題亦不是他的子女們, 因他們都能接受你,

第一個問題, 你對呢段感情冇安全感, 因為你放太多計算在內, 你要計著他大你十二年, 有兩個小朋友, 家人朋友外界對你的睇法....等, 但你忙記了愛係一種感覺, 我認為你和他一起了一年, 一定有感覺你才在這一年仍堅持, 我想可能你覺得是時候決定繼續下去還離開, 因不想浪費時間, 但自己亦想和他一起, 但他的背景令你停步, 但如果你可以決定和他分手, 以上的已經不是問題, 但你遲遲未決, 你是不想放棄, 和看看有否其他方法可以解決,

你煩惱的不是他的背景, 是你怕面對你家人朋友, 不敢和他們講, 不知值不值得為呢段感情, 承受家人朋友的眼光, 但簡單一點, 如果他沒有這背景, 你是否會決定和他一起計劃未來, 如果會你應該不是困擾你應丕應該分手, 而是甚樣去面對和解決你們情路上的問題,
如果他沒有子女你也不會同他一起的, 你也不用煩了,

你選擇的是你男人, 選擇到了你們必要一起面對以後的問題, 每對情人都有他們自己的問題, 你不去面對你又如何解決到呢?

如果答案是他沒背景, 他亦未100%決定是他和你過一生的, 而現時又想和他一起的話, 給他和自己一點時間吧

問題二, 你想要bb, 我認為你無奈地也要放棄, 因如果你們一起, 一家四口的生活, 多了一個bb, 對每一個人來說都是一種壓力,

你去面對問題, 無論結果是什麼, 你也在現實生活中, 你會知道下一步是甚麼, 但你只在自己的驚擾中, 你只在自己做的胡桃中, 永遠走不出去
2007-09-01 8:25 am
Firstly, I understand your feeling and your pressure. The social isolation of "step-mom " is the viewless pressure and pain from your surrounding , such as your families and friends, as you mentioned......
However, from your content, we would see and get that he ( your bf) treat you well and you will communicate with his son also. It is importance and very luck that you would find the man or bf who is suitable for you or us.... , right ? Moreover, you would jump over the generation gap with his son. That means your another son( still have not born right ) also will play with his older brother, right ?

Please don't worry very much. The mind is controlled by ourselves , at the same time, the negative feeling or attritude will affect deeply our mind..... Please Keep POSITIVE MIND and go ahead to communicate with you bf, families and friend or any channel to share your worry or your thinking.....

Remember that Love is the main element to link the family and smile for the future.

Good Luck.

2007-09-04 10:58:28 補充:
Yes, this hit the points !
參考: Personal Sharing
2007-09-01 7:54 am
i hate step-mom-.-
don't be step-mom, the kid may hate u
cuz he can't forget his mom (he may...i dunno)
if you don't know how to deal with the "pressure" , u can just break with him
don't put any pressure to youself, life is happy(play)=]

P.S. i suck at english-.-

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