Which companies is good for Investment ?

2007-09-01 7:19 am
I would like to invest HKD15,000 monthly, and Generali and Zurich Vista's agent approached me, I don't know which one is good. However, my friends told me that Aviva and Swiss Privilege are good too, how can I fine a IFA for them? Please advise.

I would like to know more about this? Or should I join two plans?? one more direct finds and one for mirror funds?

回答 (5)

2007-09-02 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我是 IFA,你提到的 Zurich / Generali / Aviva 的計劃我有代理,而同時我都有不同類型的客人出過 3 間公司的計劃。就我經驗認為,有以下的因素你先可以考慮:

1. 你是否非常在乎轉基金的快慢?Zurich T + 2 / Aviva T + 2~4 / Generali T + X (按我同我同事的經驗,佢的 dealing 部門有點兒混亂)

2. Mirror Fund 轉基金是快,但往往就多了一重 Mirror Fund 收費 (而最不好的是,在基金價值到反映,即是你是睇返個現價先發覺同你 Zurich 基金的價是差了少少的),如果是經常轉基金的話,一筆過投資的話,用也不錯的。月供因為耐 d 先看到效果,所以會少轉基金的。我個人就建議 Direct Fund

3. 基金選擇、基金質素。Zurich 同 Aviva 是好好的,可以做到保守 ~ 進取的組合。Generali 就較遜少少,但都可以叫做做到的。例如很大路的基金 - Merrill Lynch LIIF World Mining (美林世界礦業基金) 只得 Zurich 同 Aviva 有,Generali 是沒有的。

4. Bonus,當供款額去到一個位的時候,月供額就在一個限期內成為 10X%,不是 100%。若是 107.5%,即你月供是 $15,000 就當你 $16,125。

5. Fortune 500 Worldwide 排名。Zurich / Aviva / Generali 都入頭 100 大。Generali 最高、其次是 Aviva、之後是 Zurich

參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區) http://financial.3forum.hk
2007-09-02 12:04 pm
Actually I have a compare chart to compare the charges and fees and detail term of the investment and insurance company. For more information please contact me at [email protected]
2007-09-02 9:11 am
Make sure you're aware and ok of the surrender charges and time frame of these plans before you commit.
Teresa, Manulife
2007-09-01 7:59 pm
you can compare the company background, no. of fund choise and fund plan charge etc... [email protected]
2007-09-01 8:58 am
The importance is the fund performance.
What fund they are offering ?
If you can let me have the fund details, I can check it for you.
[email protected]

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