是旦比個book report我呀(英文)

2007-09-01 4:33 am

回答 (2)

2007-09-01 4:37 am
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Teen Idol

Jen Greenley is the "It" girl in all the magazines. Reporters want to know what color she's wearing to the Clayton High School Spring Fling, and whether she's going to wear her hair up or down. Despite what you may think, though, Jen Greenley is not the title's "teen idol" --- she's just going to the Spring Fling with one.

It all started when reliable, thoughtful Jen, advice columnist for the school paper and "everybody's best friend," was asked by the school administration to guide a new student, Lucas Smith, through his first days at Clayton. Jen and the administration are the only ones who know that Lucas Smith is really Luke Striker, the hottest movie star in Hollywood. All the girls at Clayton think the new boy is cute, but when he accidentally reveals his true identity, Jen finds herself thrown headfirst into her fifteen minutes of fame, and a lot of turmoil with her friends and classmates.

Meg Cabot's trademark charming wit and ability to capture Jen's multitude of emotions make this book a delightful read for everyone. Jen's transformation from laid-back listener to instigator of social change, with inspiration from Luke Striker, will have you cheering for everyone touched by Jen's bravery. TEEN IDOL is a story with messages concerning self-image, confidence and friendships, but Cabot always keeps it lighthearted and funny. A perfect read for summer --- or fall, or winter, or spring.
2007-09-01 4:39 am
作者 Roald Dahl

書名 The BFG

出版社 Puffin

頁數 250


The book is about a giant who live with a group of man-eating giant, but his good personality kept him being friendly. The BFG (big-friendly-giant) is very kind, and he tried his best to safe Sopfie, when she was brought to the giant group. He risked his life to safe others. From this we can see that his was not onlt brave, but also welling to help others. And later, when he became friends with Sophie, he was welling to share his secrets -- who to catch dreams, with Sophie. That shows BFG is very friendly. (96 words)

My favourite chararter is the BFG (the big-friendly-giant). He is very kind and though he was living with a group of man-eating giant, his good personality kept him being friendly, and therefore BFG tried his best to safe Sopfie, when she was brought to the giant group. When Sophie asked BFG to go tell the queen anout all these, BFG helped imediately and didn't refuse.
I have learnt that we should be strong and kind like the BFG, and not to change by the environment in order to be accept by others. We should learn to maintain a good attitude.
If I were the BFG, I would help Sophie and the queen too because I knonw that the group of man-eating giants were bad and evil. They kill childrens. In order to stop them I would, of course, help the queen and Sophie. I would be brave to take revenge. (150 words)

hope it can help you

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