NZ Birds

2007-09-01 4:27 am
What is the kind of bird that only NZ have?

回答 (1)

2007-09-01 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kiwi is the king of bird that NZ only have.


The "kiwi" (shown above) is a flightless New Zealand bird. (New Zealanders also like to call themselves "Kiwis".) The kiwi (bird) is unusual in at least two respects. First, it is the only bird in the world that has its nostrils at the end of its beak. Second, the female kiwi has the largest egg, in proportion to its body size, of any bird in the world (except possibly for the hummingbird). Kiwi are about the same size as chickens, but their eggs are almost as big as those of ostriches! Kiwi birds have been designated as New Zealand "honorary mammals". The only real native mammals in New Zealand are two kinds of forest-dwelling bats. Biologists and the like please note: the kiwi is a member of the order Apterygiformes and comes in six species, including (Apteryx mantelli, Apteryx australis, Apteryx oweni, and Apteryx haasti). Recent research seems to indicate that the kiwi evolved after New Zealand broke away from the ancient Australia/Antarctica supercontinent. However, kiwi left Australia for New Zealand at some point, possibly on land links via New Caledonia. So, although there are no wild kiwi left there, Australians may also proudly point to the kiwi as "their bird". You may see many beautiful New Zealand birds here, including a picture of a white kiwi and some information on how kiwi raise their young. Operation Nest Egg has a recording of the kiwi bird's voice. Caution! Turn your computer's speaker DOWN before visiting it. The male kiwi has a very loud voice!

Other related links on kiwi:

Great Spotted Kiwi - ARKive

Kiwi: New Zealand Department of Conservation

Save The Kiwi (formerly Kiwi Recovery)

Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, Christchurch, New Zealand

Online Encyclopedia entry "Kiwi"

TerraNature pages on kiwi

I hope I can help you.

2007-09-01 14:30:13 補充:

2007-09-02 18:18:07 補充:
The National New Zealand rugby team is called All Blacks.
I hope I can help you for your other question.

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