
2007-09-01 3:21 am
1. Do you think the tourist spots in Hong Kong are enough or not?
2. Do you think the countryside in Hong Kong is enough or not?
3.Which of the following adjective would you choose to describe Hong Kong?
4. Is the pollution in Hong Kong serious or minor?
5. In your opinion, what advantages does Hong Kong have?

回答 (2)

2007-09-01 3:32 am
第三有個 careless mistake, Which of the following adjectives would you choose to describe Hong Kong?

第五唔知道應唔應該咁改 In your opinion, what advantages does Hong Kong has?

香港有幾多個countryside我唔知,如果有多詔一個應該改做 Do you think the countrysides in Hong Kong is enough or not?

第四個唔sure咁改岩唔岩 Do you think the pollution in Hong Kong serious? 因為如果佢唔覺得係嚴重既話,咁即係minor啦。
參考: 自己
2007-09-01 3:32 am
1.Do you think there are enough spots for tourists in Hong Kong?
2.Do you think there are enough countryside in Hong Kong?
3.If you use an adjective to describe Hong Kong, what word would you choose?
4.Do the pollution in Hong Kong is serious or minor?
5.What are some advantages does Hong Kong have in your opinion?
參考: me

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