australian visa (ETA).. so worried

2007-09-01 2:37 am
i thoght the link below is the offical website to apply ETA, so i did pay for the service. as you all may know, for applying ETA (australian travel e-visa), we can find out whether they approve us immediately. but so far, i have't got any reply from this company (link below). did anyone of you use this service before? am i cheated? so worried... coz i paid AUS 49 already (which is AUS 29 more expensive)....

pls help thanks so much!

回答 (1)

2007-09-01 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you have been cheated because the official site should be not
have a look at this government official site
Your application will be processed while you are on-line. You will be informed of the result of your application before leaving the Internet ETA system.

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