
2007-09-01 2:23 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-01 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
喺heat project入面, tk解用手榴彈烤自己人

2007-08-31 18:25:51 補充:
係炸, 唔係烤
2007-09-01 2:37 am
TK可解 :
1. THX 感謝
3.THINK - 想
4.truck -【美】卡車,載貨汽車 交易,買賣 垃圾,破爛;廢話 實物工資
參考: Me
2007-09-01 2:28 am
參考: me
2007-09-01 2:27 am

TK, Tk or tk can refer to:

Tk (programming language), a Tcl-based widget toolkit
.tk, the top-level domain of Tokelau
Team killer or team kill, a term used in multiplayer computer games.
TK or TKISH True Knowledge of or in a manner that not complete and or lacking, or as in people who edit this TK'ed page and remove meanings without knowledge or skill.
TK or TestKing, a way of cheating on IT certification Exams; I TK'ed that exam


Tsakani "TK" Mhinga, South African R&B artist
TK (Louisville Hip-Hop Artist)
TK (Peruvian rock band)
Tetsuya Komuro, a Japanese musician
The Killers (band)
TK Records
Tony Kanal

T. K. Takaishi, A main character from the digimon anime
Tim Kennedy, a college hockey player
Taka — Currency of Bangladesh
To come (phonetic abbreviation used in book publishing and journalism)
Turkmen language ISO language code (tk).
Tomato ketchup
Telecine, usually abbrieviated as TK instead of TC due to the latter being used to mean time code
Tsuyoshi Kohsaka, a Japanese mixed martial arts fighter.
TK Lemonade
The IATA Code for Turkish Airlines
Traditional knowledge
Talent Keyhole - imagery-related collection assets Satellite/PhotoRecon (NRO)
TK - The protagonist of Driver: Parallel Lines
Teekay Shipping stock symbol
Thymidine kinase (TK), a protein.
Teresa Keiner, a character on Boy Meets World.
Identification number prefix used by Imperial Stormtroopers in Star Wars as well as the 501st Legion.
TK-an upcoming actress from Charlotte,NC
TK-an Conservapedia sysop and site admin known for his Christian fundamentalism and hight activity on Conservapedia
2007-09-01 2:26 am
係槍game入面既tk=team kill(殺自己人)

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