
2007-09-01 2:21 am




回答 (2)

2007-09-01 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The fallowing is an example and it is just for your reference.

My name is John. I am a Form 1 student of a well-known college. Since my home is not far from it, I go to school on foot every morning. To tell the truth, I quite enjoy my present school life. Most of my classmates are kind and helpful. Indeed , they are nice guys. We often work together harmoniously on different projects. My favorite subject is mathematics and frequently my classmates come to seek my advice when doing homework. I am very proud of my strong logical mind. After school, I often play card game, ping pong, Chinese chess and listen to folk music with my friends. My ambition is humble, as I just want to be a mathematician when I grow up. My family is simple which consists of four members, including father, mother, my younger brother and myself. My father runs a store on a street corner.His business is so far so good as he has quite a number of loyal patrons. My father hopes that I'll take charge of his business one day. Unfortunately I really have no interest in doing business.

2007-08-31 18:29:51 補充:
我的姓名叫(xxx),現年(xx歲),就讀於(xxx小學)。我最喜愛音樂、詩歌朗誦、、、我最喜愛的運動是足球、、、` ` ` 你自己的資料,中有的你自己想la唯有 sorry

2007-08-31 18:38:10 補充:
大家好,我叫XXX,英文名是XXXXX,住在新界天水圍來自的小學是元朗公立中學校友會英業小學今年升讀鄧兆棠1F班,勤社.電郵是xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 我的性格比較文靜,平時喜歡上網等較靜的活動星座是處女座, 是一個完美主義者.喜歡天藍色,因為給我一種很舒服的感覺喜歡的生果是橙,喜歡的飲品是牛奶, 我有很多好朋友, 例如陳大明,陳中明,陳小明,林森魚,高有朋,尹天照....喜歡的科目是美術及視覺藝術科.喜歡的老師就有很多,蒙老師,馬老師,黃老師,李老師....而我最喜歡的便是李老師,因為他和藹可親,教學充滿熱誠.在學校,我最喜歡的地方就是圖書館

2007-08-31 18:38:49 補充:
因為裡面永遠都很寧靜我的志願就是成為一位老師.狗是我最喜歡的動物,我覺得牠們很可愛 最喜歡的作家是君比. 喜歡的圖書有九個少年的心事,Miss別煩我....我特別喜歡秋季,因為秋天不像得夏天那麼熱,又不會像冬天那麼冷喜歡聽一些較輕快的音樂,聽了令人很舒服,心情舒暢.喜歡的明星有COOKIES,TWINS...

2007-08-31 18:39:55 補充:
Hello! My name is XXX. I am a primary/ secondary X studentI am studying at xxx school. I lkie reading books and internet.My favourite colour is blue, because it look like the sky.My favourite food and drink is orange and mike.

2007-08-31 18:40:31 補充:
I have lots of good friends: Peter Chan, Mary Chan, Eric Lam, Marcus Tam....My best friend is KaKa. We have been knowing each other for 4 years.Our personality mactch perfectly that we seldom have quarrels. We help one another whenever we are in need.I like Arts and Visual Arts the best.

2007-08-31 18:41:04 補充:
My class teachers are Miss Chun and Mrs Hung. They are very nice and friendly.They teach me well also. Everybody love them so much.

2007-08-31 18:41:30 補充:
Dogs is my favourite pets. I think they are lovely and cute.I also like listening classical music. It's soft and make me fell relax.I lkie Autumn rather than Summer or Winter.

2007-08-31 18:42:19 補充:
ya 上到la 希望可以help到你la 有中文 有英文 ^^

2007-09-09 19:31:11 補充:

2007-09-09 19:33:38 補充:
唉,現在d人,唉 抄左人 中要話係自己的,去告你lo
2007-09-01 2:24 am

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