
2007-09-01 2:12 am
A person who does beautiful handwriting with a brush or special pen
A person who examines people's eyes and sells optical instruments
A person who introduces and plays popular racorded music on radio or TV
A person who specializes in general medicine
A person who treats the diseases of domestic animals
A person who foretells events by studying the stars
A person who examines and records details of buildings or a piece of land

回答 (2)

2007-09-01 2:26 am
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A person who does beautiful handwriting with a brush or special pen
用毛筆或鋼筆寫得一手好字的人----書法家 (calligrapher)
A person who examines people's eyes and sells optical instruments
為人檢查視力, 配眼鏡的人---視光師 (optometrist)

A person who introduces and plays popular racorded music on radio or TV
在電台或電視介紹和播放音樂的人----唱片騎師 (disc jockey)

A person who specializes in general medicine
以醫學為專業的人---醫生 (doctor)

A person who treats the diseases of domestic animals
為家畜治病的人-----獸醫 (veterinarian / vet)

A person who foretells events by studying the stars
通過觀星占卜吉凶的人----占星家 / 算命家 (astrologer / fortune teller)

A person who examines and records details of buildings or a piece of land
檢查建築物和地產並做紀錄的人----測量師 (Surveyor)
2007-09-01 2:36 am
A person who does beautiful handwriting with a brush or special pen

A person who examines people's eyes and sells optical instruments

A person who introduces and plays popular racorded music on radio or TV

A person who specializes in general medicine

A person who treats the diseases of domestic animals

A person who foretells events by studying the stars

A person who examines and records details of buildings or a piece of land
參考: this is challenging but fun

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 23:12:51
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