
2007-09-01 1:44 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-01 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is it neccessary for us to discuss again some other time?

Can you give some opinions about the song (music)?

Regarding the games, I afraid have to give you an answer later after discussion with my friends.

Once again, I really appreciate your help.
參考: SELF
2007-09-01 2:53 am
Have we got another meeting to discuss?

Would you give the song more ideas ?

We will reply you later, we have to discuss the game with our friends.

Futhermore, thanks for your help. (多個再者好似好怪...)
參考: ME 希望譯得簡單d,如有錯漏,請多多包涵
2007-09-01 1:53 am
Will we meet next time?

What do you think the song?Can i have some comment?

And I need to find my friend to consult the game, so i will reply you later.

By the way, Thanks for your help.
參考: Eng
2007-09-01 1:52 am
Shall we have another meeting for further discussion?
Could you give anysuggestion on the songs??
For the games, i need to talk over with my friends and will reply you later.
Moreover, appreicate for your help!
2007-09-01 1:50 am
We also need approximately to leave the millet discussion again???
The song facilitates you to be possible to give an opinion??
Plays conveniently, I need to discuss with the friend, late answers you,
Furthermore, many thanks your warm-hearted help
參考: 自己

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