826 天工

2007-09-01 1:02 am
朋友仔喺 $11.48入左 (826天工) 依家得返 $8.03, 好可憐, 佢應該點做呀!

回答 (2)

2007-09-08 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had #826 also. I bought at $11.88 but I still hold it. I think it will rise up to $9.5 then I will sell a little bit. Some guy bought at $12! It have to wait may be one year but the industry is special in China. Told your friend don't be unhappy! There were some people who buy expensive stock.
2007-09-01 1:23 am
天工國際有限公司 (0826.HK)
總之一句, 不急用錢的話, 也是等下. 因為帳面已經 loss 左3450一水手計, 其他天工可以當做長線,, 我覺得真係可以等. 但是, 如果價位到了11.50, 可以立即估出, 再用估出的錢購入3993, 不過, 如果3993不超出15.00, 那遵可以買入, over 15.00, 就不好了. 這個股市 game, 如果真係沒有足夠金錢, 是玩不過...

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