Continuous Osmosis and diffusion?

2007-08-31 11:31 pm
In human body's kidney, the glomerular filtrate will be reaborbed. As the water potential of blood is lower, more water diffuse from kidney tubule to blood due to osmosis. Then other soluble substance such as glucose will diffuse from glomerualr filtrate to blood as the concentration of blood change. But after the soluble substance diffused into blood, the water potential become low again. Does this mean these two process(osmosis and diffusion) will repeat and repeat?

回答 (1)

2007-09-04 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Referring to the osmosis and diffusion,
firstly, osmossi will be occured in the media of Water or Liquid. However, Diffusion will be appear on the Air and other all of field.

For this case, the two process will be repeated until the two parties is neutralized.

2007-09-04 14:23:15 補充:
When the density or concentration of two parties are same , there are not the diffusion or Osmossi appeared provided that no other third parties comes in......

2007-09-05 22:21:25 補充:
Yes, if the concentration between two parties are difference, the osmossi will not stop and will repeat as you mentioned. However, referrring to your question, we need to consider the background and assume of concentration of glomerular filtrate and blood.
參考: 10 before experience

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:13:16
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