
2007-08-31 8:32 pm

回答 (3)

2007-09-04 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 上積金局www.mpfahk.org download表格<查詢保留脹戶>, 可直接到積金局, 會即時知道, 如郵寄或傳真約2至3星期.
2) 資料會列出所有保留脤户, 跟住可自行挑選強積金公司, 集中所有戶口, 好處是投資集中, 另外如資產值到某數額時, 收費亦會減低.
如需其他資料可e-mail to me
2007-09-01 2:58 am
去積金局就ok,. 佢地可以即時幫你check
or 你可以email 我
[email protected]
參考: 自己
2007-08-31 9:31 pm
1) Check via MPF Authority.
You can check on line with yr password or go personally.
2) Normally, one custodian for one employer.
If you have two employer before, you should have two MPF a/c.
The custodian will send you statement for all entries.
Send me an email If you have any problem to merge different MPF a/c.
[email protected]

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