今日係我last day, 我想出個英文email俾客及同事話我已離職, 應該點寫??

2007-08-31 7:21 pm
今日係我last day, 我想出個英文email俾客及同事話我已離職, 應該點寫??

回答 (2)

2007-08-31 7:41 pm
I'm regard to tell you that today is my last working day in

this company. I would like to take opporturnity to thank you all your

kindness and support for me in the past few years.
參考: me
2007-08-31 7:40 pm
Dear All,

I would like to inform you that 31 Aug 2007 (Fri) is my last day at ABC Company. Thank you for your co-operation for the past year. Please contact Ms. XXX at (phone no) if you have any matters in the future.

My e-mail : [email protected]

Goodbye all of you and wish you all the best!

Your name

2007-08-31 11:41:30 補充:
試下以上呢個sample 啦

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