
2007-08-31 6:20 pm
mr.chan and his little son,tony,were walking across king's road.a taxi came quiskly and knocked them down.mr.chan was badly hurt and lay on the ground.the taxi driver stopped the taxi and came out from it.when he saw mr.chan lying on the ground,he was scared,too.many people came and stood around them.at that time,a police car and an ambulance came.

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2007-08-31 6:39 pm
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mrs. Leung and her daugther , Sandy were jogging in the park . A bicycle came quickly and knocked Sandy down . Mrs . leung was so anxious about Sandy , because she was hurt her face and leg . The cyclist was very nervous and panick . At this moment , a woman who is a nurse worked in clinic to help Sandy . The nurse told her mother sent Sandy to the clinic is the best . So Sandy and her mother agree with it .

2007-08-31 10:52:57 補充:
John and Peter made handicraft together yesterday . John is good at drawing and painting . He drew some lovely pictures and Peter used scissor to cut them all .

2007-08-31 10:53:17 補充:
Peter injured finger himself by accident and he was so worry . John was clam down . He used some water to clean Peter's finger . Than sticked alexipharmic tape . Peter was so happy and thank with John .

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:13:54
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