being difficult with

2007-08-31 3:07 pm
" I'm not being difficult with you" 係咪可以解做 "我唔係想為難你" ?

回答 (3)

2007-08-31 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes, you are right, and you can also say:

I am not trying to be difficult to you.
I am not being awkward to you.
I am not trying to be awkward to you.
參考: I am living in London
2007-09-01 9:33 pm
I'm not being difficult with you.

should mean 我不是在為難你 (present continuous tense)

我唔係想為難你 should be

I don't mean to be difficult with you.

2007-09-01 13:53:20 補充:
To the one above who is living in London, are you trying to say 我住在倫敦 ?If so, can I suggest that you use:*I live in London* instead?

2007-09-01 13:55:02 補充:
*I live in London* means that you live in London all along, or implies that you live in London most of the time. (我住在倫敦)However *I am living in London* implies that you only live in London for a short period of time, or temporarily. (我正住在倫敦)
參考: myself
2007-08-31 7:21 pm
Your answer is right, however, the 3 answers from above are all wrong.

I am not trying to be difficult WITH you.
I am not being awkward to you.
I am not trying to be awkward to you.

(Aside from grammatically wrong, #2 and 3 uses "awkward" which carries a totally different meaning... it will probably be interpreted as 曖昧、奇怪)

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