Sony DC T200 / T70

2007-08-31 7:24 am
我D朋友話sony d機易壞, d相影出黎又好平面, 但T200/T70既一笑即拍同lomo fisheye既功能又好似好吸引, 因為我好鍾意lomo fisheye影出黎既相, 而家唔駛入菲林同埋可以即時睇就方便d
其實我又唔係要追求完美既影像質素, 都係要黎隨心亂咁影, 不過如果真係咁易壞就無謂啦....大家有咩意見?
同埋我想問下除左T200/T70之外, 仲有冇其他數碼相機lomo fisheye效果(加鏡頭唔計喎)?

回答 (2)

2007-09-05 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
boths cam is goods, fast len, fast af, fast react, many useful functions as smile shutter.
but the quality of the photo is under avg.
and they have the same resolution, so i think t70's c/p is better.

you can buy a cam magazine for more detail
2007-09-10 5:32 pm
點為之易壞? 冇跌冇濕水用三五年不是問題!
呢d卡片機係用嚟粗用當玩具咁玩, T200/T70要黎隨心亂咁影啱晒!! 一笑即拍功能真係好鬼過癮^^ 我都入左T200~~HA!

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