
2007-08-31 6:21 am
我將會在今年九月到英國留學。學校接近英格蘭的北部,最冷的日子大約只有2℃ ,聽說偶爾還會下雪。請問我適合帶甚麼衣物過去?穿羽絨是不是過份誇張了?還有,這種時候香港哪裡有大衣和長袖衣服可以買?問題有點多,先謝謝了!

回答 (2)

2007-08-31 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are talking yorkshire area, such as Nottingham, Sheffield, york.............Don't worry. The weather is more hotter than before. One coat is necessary because you are the first time landing so you are not used to the England weather. Don'ttake a lot of thick clothes otherwise you will waste your money. Take some long sleeve jumper and short jumper. T-sheet, polo shirt. The house is supply warm air and the school. You can buy in uk, it is quite cheap in market but the style is a bit old fashion. If you can tell me where are you go to study, I may tell you more. I am living in northen of england more than 14 years.
England is a good study country and silent living style.

Enjoy it

I hope it can help you.
2007-09-03 5:05 am

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