
2007-08-31 5:53 am
The two men in the pictuer seem fairly relaxed and chatting happyilyin the park. lmagine what their relationship is like and write what they are taikihg about

回答 (2)

2007-08-31 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are two men sitting on the bench (長凳) in the park. They are good friends. One of them has an courses catalogue (目錄) on hand. Another one asks him about the future planning. He tries to explan his will (志願) in the field (範籌) of multi-media (多媒體) design and show the page of course in which he has already enrolled (報名). Another one feels happy with his friend ' s decision.

2007-08-30 22:43:46 補充:
Other versions (版本):2. There were two men sitting on the bench in the park. Their relationship was partners working on a robbery detection (偵查) involving (牽涉) with million dollars. One was a plainclothes (便衣) policeman while another one was an undercover (臥底)...

2007-08-30 22:44:13 補充:
續2. The undercover handed on a notebook with a list of criminal (罪犯) names inside. They were discussing the details. They both felt happy and optimistic (樂觀的) to get evidences (證據) for the arrest (捸捕).

2007-08-30 23:06:26 補充:
3. There were two men sitting on bench in the park. Their relation was friends as well as partnership (伴伴關係) planning to start a business. They were discussing their budget (預算經費) and the operation (操作) details of their shop...

2007-08-30 23:14:22 補充:
續3. One of them gave another one to review (檢閱) the main points that he remarked. They were young and energetic (積極的) thinking all good prospect (前景) ahead. The atomsphere (氣氛) was happy and contented (滿意的)...

2007-08-30 23:14:45 補充:
續3. However, they did not realize that they were only green hands (新手). What were really awaiting them were frustration (挫折) and toil (苦工). Also, it would turn out as a challenge (考驗) to their friendship eventually (最後).

2007-09-06 01:52:57 補充:
Tks for the full support & adoption in person by Chau! 另外, involve 解作「牽涉」時,之後的前置詞既可用 in ,也可用 with.
參考: My creation
2007-08-31 6:07 am
One day, two men chatting happily in the part.On of the man took out a photo album and told his friend about his family members.And his friend took out his purse and showed a photo to him and introduced his family to him.They talked about how they took care their children and some interesting things together.About one hour, they happily went back home.

2007-08-30 22:09:06 補充:

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