20分 - 英文信 - 懇求再考慮求職申請

2007-08-31 5:15 am


請問大家知唔知到 / 有沒有 這種內容的信的sample? 或是有沒有英文強的朋友可以幫我寫幾句? 萬分感謝。

回答 (1)

2007-08-31 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear ???,

Thank you for the interview at your company on ?? August 2007 on the position of ???. In the interview, I have got a chance to know more about XYZ Corporation as you gave me an overview of the businesses and development of the Corporation.

During our conversation, we discussed the ??? of the Corporation. I believe that my past training and experience specializing in ??? certainly have prepared me well for this position.

Although I receive a notice from you that my application is failure/under consideration, I would thank you again for taking time to share with me your views and details about this position. It would be a great challenge if I have a chance to work at XYZ Corporation, and I look forward to hearing (from you very soon)/(you can reconsider my application again.

Yours sincerely,


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