
2007-08-31 3:47 am
係痛得好利害~有冇咩方法可以減輕d ga???thx!!!

回答 (5)

2007-08-31 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
很多女性都患有經前症候群(Premenstrual syndrome, PMS),其症狀包括在月經前數天失眠、精神恍惚、胃痛、腫脹及便秘,有部分女性更會有背痛、頭痛、暴食或厭食,以及皮膚問題等 症狀。德國慕尼黑婦科專家稱,每周兩次的半小時步行、游泳或騎單車,可減少PMS症狀。

專家指出,瑜伽、其他放鬆運動及飲食均衡(如全穀類食物)亦有助對抗PMS。至於咖啡、酒類及糖果,在月經下半周期則可免則免, 因這些食物會令PMS症狀惡化。
2007-08-31 7:54 am
I can forward some info 女士手冊 for more details but that file over 8MB. Email me if you're interested.

[email protected]
2007-08-31 4:15 am
1.用暖水袋or 經痛貼
2. 唔好食凍或太salty嘅food啊
3. 食止痛藥( small pain: panadol 1000mg, medium pain: ponstan500mg, high grade pain: Naproxen 500mg )
4. If the painkiller can't help you, then you will need to see doctor for further investgation and start 避孕藥treatment...
5. 生BB(if you have planning, then it is a good way)

Hope you will get well soon~
參考: me
2007-08-31 3:50 am
ask to doctor,please.....
2007-08-31 3:49 am
真係好痛就要SEE 醫生

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