
2007-08-31 1:12 am
我想係澳洲買架好平既二手車, 係sydney, 因為無咩$$$$$$$$, 所以只係想花AU$5000去買, 加上我arm arm 7月先有紅"P", 22歲, 我見到D Comprehensive Car Insurance保險真係貴到死, 要幾千蚊一年, 我想問下如果我只係買Third Party Property Damage Insurance - Car 同埋CTP Greenslip Insurance - NSW 可唔可以ga?
同埋呢三隻insurance 有咩分別? 可唔可以有澳洲朋友敎下我

回答 (2)

2007-08-31 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
newspaper or search on www.cars.com.au
Comprehensive Car Insurance = if you damage your car you can claim insurance to repair it. quite expensive for first year then if you hasn't claim you get discount(no claim bonus). after 1st year 10%, 2nd year 20% ....up to 60% NCB
Third Party Property Damage Insurance = insurance company will only cover the opposite party but not you, you need to pay for your own repair cost, a lot cheaper
Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Greenslips are a requirement for every registered motor vehicle in NSW is a must
我想問下如果我只係買Third Party Property Damage Insurance - Car 同埋CTP Greenslip Insurance - NSW 可唔可以ga? YES
2007-08-31 1:17 am
但係second hand就唔需要喇...

(本人in perth city)

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