做賣衫sale行業內要既英文或英文生字? 越多越好~ 唔該晒幫忙

2007-08-31 1:11 am
想知: 做賣衫sale行業內既英文或英文生字? 越多越好~ 唔該晒幫忙
e.g 顏色 colour :紅red ......
e.g碼數 ( ) :大中細/無分碼數
e.g詢問處 收銀處 試身室 男裝室 女裝室 
e.g 直腳 
e.g.有乜可幫到你?隨便睇?有乜可問我?有好多色選擇?要不要介紹比你? 歡迎你下次再來? 黎件好襯你? 

等等......可唔可以幫我忙再諗多d比我 唔該晒幫我忙

比個拆頭我? 有無打拆頭架? 拆咗未? 打拆後要幾多錢? 唔好意思已經拆實咗了? 有無得試吓穿? 無試身? 接收現金定其它咭? 買多件有拆頭?...唔該

回答 (2)

2007-09-01 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
顏色 - (dark/ light, 深/淺) red, yellow, green, blue, black, grey, pink, purple, brown etc
碼數 - X - Extra, S - Small, M - Medium, L - Large eg. Large size
Size 8, size 10 etc.
無分碼數 - Free size/ One size
詢問處 - Information desk
收銀處 - Cashier
試身室 - Fitting room
男裝室 - Men's fitting room
女裝室 - Women's fitting room (please note *women* 讀 *we文*)
直腳 - Straight leg
喇叭腳 - Boot leg
有乜可幫到你? - May I help you?
隨便睇?- Please feel free to look around. (rarely used, because they will look around without you saying)
有乜可問我?- Please let me know if you need any help./ Give me a yell if you need any help.
有好多色選擇?- This also comes in different colours./ This also comes in red, yellow etc
要不要介紹比你?- Do you need any help./ Do you need some suggestions?
歡迎你下次再來?- Please come again.
黎件好襯你?- This looks really good on you./ This really goes with your shoes.

too tight - 太緊
too loose - 太鬆

I am sorry, this is our last one.
We have run out of stock on this.
I am sorry, these are what we have got../ I am sorry, what's out there are what we've got.
We have a smaller size on the mannequin (人形模型), would you like to try that on?
All our stock are twenty percent off the marked price, except for the accessories, they are 10% off. (除了飾品是9折外, 所有貨品照價8折)
Accessories: hats, scarves, bags, belts etc
Would you like your receipt in the bag?
Here's your ten dollars change.

If a customer buys a shirt for $20, and she gives you a $1000 note, you can ask her:
Do you have anything smaller?

2007-09-03 17:31:47 補充:
比個拆頭我?Could you give me a better price?Could you give me a discount?有無打拆頭架? Is this discounted?拆咗未? Has this been discounted?打拆後要幾多錢?How much is this after discount?How much will this come down to?

2007-09-03 17:32:40 補充:
唔好意思已經拆實咗了?I am sorry, this has been discounted.If the customer asks for more discount and you want to decline, you can say:I am sorry, this has already been discounted/ That's the best we can do.有無得試吓穿? Can I try this on?

2007-09-03 17:33:55 補充:
無試身?I am sorry, fitting is not allowed.I am sorry, fitting rooms are not available here.Or you can put up a sign that says 'No Fitting'.接收現金定其它咭?Do you take cash or credit cards?Do you take American Express(Amex)/ Diners?

2007-09-03 17:34:29 補充:
買多件有拆頭?Buy one and get 20% off the 2nd one(Conditions: The 2nd one must be of equal or lesser value)(條件: 第二件一定要與第一件同價或比第一件便宜)Buy one get one freeSpend $100 and get a free belt

2007-09-03 17:35:44 補充:
Spend $100 and get a free belt -- please disregard.use this: Spend $100 or more and get a belt for free.
參考: myself
2007-08-31 1:17 am
碼數(Size)..大中細(Large, Medium, small)
詢問處(Information room)收銀處(cashier),試身室(try room),男裝室(men section),女裝室(women section)
參考: Longman Grammer Dictionary

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