Grammar Checking

2007-08-30 11:50 pm
Despite, i do not have much experience in this filed , i strongly believe that my postive working attitude and highly responsible and detail minded character are my strong assets and would make a great contribution to your company .

回答 (4)

2007-08-31 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
although i do not have much experience in this field , i strongly believe that my positive working attitude , high responsibility detail minded character are my strength and would make a great contribution to your company .

despite - 用 although 較好 , despite 好似多數放o係句中
filed , postive - 串錯字
highly responsible - 要用 noun , so high responsibility is better
strong assets - 用字上 , strength ( uncountable ) 較好

我做左少少修改 , 希望幫到你啦 ~~

2007-08-30 16:04:13 補充:
i strongly believe that my postive working attitude and highly responsible and detail minded character - i strongly believe that my positive working attitude , high responsibility "and" detail minded character 同一句最好用少o的 and 頭先漏左打埋 "and" , sor ~~
參考: meee
2007-08-31 12:13 am
Due to my positive working attitude and highly responsibily detail minded, I strongly believe that I will be able to make a great contribution to the company.
2007-08-31 12:02 am
If you are using this on your cover letter, then I suggest that you take out this part "despite, I do not have much experience in this field". On your cover letters, you always want to sound positive and not negative.

"If I were to join your company, I believe that my positive working attitude, high sense of responsibility and detail minded characteristics will become of a valuable asset."
2007-08-30 11:52 pm

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