
2007-08-30 10:33 pm
我想睇政府骨科, 有冇人可以講下要點做
仲有, 政府排骨科通常要幾耐?

假設佢想將我排係今年十二月, 請問我可唔可以要求排係下年四月, 定係冇得揀, 要再等多輪?

回答 (2)

2007-08-31 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
政府骨科just require referral letter from any registered doctor (can be private doctor or General outpatient clinic)!
We generally divide the waiting list into three category.
1. Urgent (within 2 weeks)- for cancer, and urgent fracture case.
2. Early (within 8 weeks) - those require earlier assessment but not that urgent.
3. Routine (8 weeks to few years!) - for those condition that is very minor and not significant in terms of time! e.g. back discomfort, osterarthritis, non-specific pain.
So, most important thing you need to do is to see a doctor and ask him to refer you to 政府骨科 clinic! No need to attend the general outpatient clinic which may cause you one day-off if you are working!
Best Wishes!

2007-08-31 19:58:38 補充:
If your conditon indicate you need early assessment like on December, It is advisable to attend in December as delay in treatment is not in best interest of your health!. On the other hand, you can go to the OPD request later appointment which could be easily given to you!
參考: doctor
2007-09-02 5:07 am
政府排骨科要幾耐? ==============第一次是約2-个月當再排期要半年至10个月
我想睇政府骨科, 有冇人可以講下要點做====首先45元门診時.你要求往轉介骨科約65元排期2个月..至好叫医生寫早少少....去到預約登記出声求早少少見医生
仲有, 政府排骨科通常要幾耐?======1个月至10个月

假設佢想將我排係今年十二月, 請問我可唔可以要求排係下年四月===須要預早出声是可以的===, 定係冇得揀..遲有得拺....早必須專介信要求早d,

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