2007-08-30 9:41 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. will, shall, can, should, must, would , could, may, might等輔助動詞之後面
2. 其他:let----Please let me help you.
make---My father make me read a book every day.
hear----I hear the baby cry every night.
see---- I see them pick the flowers every morning.
watch---- I watch him dance every night.
2007-08-31 8:40 pm

Verb 只要是用作不定詞(infinitive) 便不需要轉tense

因為不定詞是 不受人稱數(不論是 I, he, she, we, they......)or時態(tense)影響的一種

不定詞大都有to (to-infinitive) example:

I try to do it again. (Try 是 Verb, Do 是用作infinitive,因此有to, 形成to-infinitive)
She likes to sing a song for us. (likes, sing 的用法如上)
We hope to win the march.
He is too ill to do any work.(is, do)

注意:不論是I, she, he, we 都是一樣

指的是 infinitive without to(沒有to的不定詞)

Do, Did, Does, Shall, Should, Will, Would, May, Might, Must, Can,Could
Bid, Let, Watch, See, Hear, Make, Need, Dare, Feel, Notice


He makes me do it.
(do 是用作不定詞,但makes 是infinitive without to 的動詞,所以do不用轉tenses)

She can cook very well (can, cook 如上)
He watched the boy take something from the shelf.
He let them pass the check-out counter.

另外,沒有to 的不定詞(infinitive without to),同時是用於
had better, had rather, would rather 等之後.


I would rather die than do it.
You had better keep quiet.
I had rather take this than that.
參考: me及以前做的習作....

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