runescape 點賺 2m!!!

2007-08-30 7:06 pm
我7xlv att 56 str66 def55 range 55 mage 56 prayer 44 hp63 mining62 smith52 fish56 cooking58 firemake43 woodcut54 crafting49
zammy 好or sara好?

回答 (5)

2007-09-06 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
eg. 你可以 Law rune 交易:
(你有1M)去world 1 既Varrock West Bank買 3K Law rune,最好300 each, 唔好買貴過300,即係你用900K買。
然後,去 world 3,賣出去,不停叫 "Selling 3K law runes xxx each" ,最好就350 - 500 each,高過500就冇乜人買。 當你賣500 each,人地就會比你1500K。
咁就輕易賺倒 1500 - 900 = 600K 而乜都唔駛做(靜係狂叫"Selling 3K law runes").. Lol..。
Law runes 300 -> 350 - 500
Lobs 140 -> 180 - 250
Swordfishes 200 -> 250 - 350
Rune ess 20-25 -> 30 - 50
Willow 20-25 -> 30 - 35
Yew 150->200 -> 250 - 300
Scrimmar 18-25K -> 30K
Rune axe 15K-> 18-20K
Full rune (拆散買):
Rune full-hel 25K-30K
Rune Kite 40K-45K
Rune Pl8 Leg/Skirt 40K-55K
Rune Pl8 body 50K-60K
共 172K - 190K
155-190K -> 170K(若買低於此價) - 200K
-> = 升值至 (eg. 買價(平d) -> 賣價(貴d) )
以上例子,最好係 World 1's Varrock West Bank買,然後去較少人,又唔係連100個人都冇(eg. World 32)賣返出去。

2007-09-05 17:27:05 補充:
唔記得答 Sara 定 Zammy 好 tim...其實我認為,Sara 同 Zammy 既價錢貴咁多,不過同普通既full rune原全一樣,又唔會加野。如果你要God既full rune,我覺得最靚既係Zamorak, 1.5mil - 2.0 mil。再唔係Gold Trimmed Rune Armor,冇咁貴,不過我覺得好靚,1mil - 1.2mil。隨你揀。

2007-09-10 19:20:22 補充:
其他人講既,全部都要有lv先得,例如話有人話叫你cut & sell Yew,你要成60 lv至得。其實我講既方法最好,無論1 lv都可以賺錢,只要你本身有錢就得..
參考: 自己
2007-08-31 12:53 am
Since your mining is 62, try mining coal in the mining guild and selling it. Either that, or smith steel plate bodies and high alch them=1,200gp ea pl8 (i think)

i personally think zammy is better.
2007-08-31 12:47 am
1,Of course Zammy (Zamorak), because Zamorak wins almost all God Wars!

Gold Guide:
Mining and Smith,
1,Mine Coal and sell them for 150 ea. 1K coal= 150K Gold!!
2,Mine Coal and Mithril ore, and make Mithril armor and weapons, then sell. 1K Mithril Platebody= 5M !!!

Fish and Cook,
1, Fish swordfish and cook, then sell. 1K Swordfish= 300K!!!
2, Fish lobster and and cook, then type at Varrock bank "Free lobby show inventory", people will trade you and you give them the amount of item they show in swordfish, you will get some good stuff sometimes!

1, Cut willows (Because you are lvl54 Wc) Untill you have lvl 60 Wc. Sell the willows you got from lvl54-60 wc.1K willows=30K gold.
2, Cut yews (When lvl60 Wc) Get at least 1K and go to world 1,2,3,4 or 5.Sell for 400 ea. 1K yew=400K!!

Craft and mine and smith.
1, Get ring mould, Mine gold ore and smith into gold bar. If you have jewels then take. Smith into rings. Sell. 1K gold rings=200K. 1K Saphhire ring= 1M!! 1K Emerald ring=2M!!! 1K Ruby ring=4M!!!! 1K Diamond ring=6M!!!!!!!

You will get money in notime! Then you can buy the armor you want--Zammy or Sara!
Zammy set= 2.1M=2.3M
Sara set=2M=2.3M
Or Guthix set=1.4M

Hope you like my answer!
2007-08-30 10:38 pm
go world 16 to air running 1 time 2k .

2007-08-30 14:39:36 補充:
參考: me
2007-08-30 8:45 pm

方法1: 你smithing 高過 30, mining 高過 30, 可以去 mine coal + iron 去整 steel bars, 每條賣 620 - 650 gp.

方法2: 如果你有一D本錢的話, 可以買 iron 100 ea, coal 200 ea, 整做 steel bars 一條賺120 - 150.

方法3: 你 fishing 高過 40, 可以去 karamja fish lobbies, 賣 250 - 300 ea.

方法4: 如果你鐘意打怪, 可以去 karamja 打 lesser demon, 去 hill giant cave 打 hill giants, 或者去 crafting guild o既南邊 打 hobogoblins, D drop 都唔錯.

方法5: 去 world 1 買 rune med helm 10k ea, 用 high level alchemy 賺 1k .
參考: me ( rsn: wxyzabcd)

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