motion phy

2007-08-30 10:55 am
Can someone explain these statements?(all T)
1) A body can have zero velocity but also be accelerating.
2)A body can have a constant speed but a varying velocity.
The more detailed the better ,thx =]

回答 (1)

2007-08-30 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 試想像一個物體,你將佢拋起,當佢去到最高點時,velocity係0,但係acceleration係等於個gravity

2. speed 係scalar 但velocity係一個vector,當係一部車,用20 meter per second行緊一個圓圈,佢個speed(20 meter per second) 不變,但方向改變,所以velocity變 (因為velocity係vector 係計埋向量的)
參考: 我的中七物理知識

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