monash university 承唔承認 city 既asso degree架

2007-08-30 7:50 am
monash university 承唔承認 city 既asso degree架
想知道日後grad 左之後 想去aus升學
monash university 會唔會唔收我

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
monash university 既世界排名好高

即係A-LEVEL要考得好。 (係佢親口答我的)

2007-09-03 8:46 am
I think so, my friend she actually grad from City U in HK with Asso degree. She already got her Degree from Monash (Major in Comm.) few year ago. So far I know for communication course in City U, they have bridging program with Monash so monash will accept City grad. but still you need to have reasonable grading in order to get to Monash as the other reply mentioned Monash is quite tough specially Clayton.

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