歌詞翻譯 新しい疾風 - 鄉本直也

2007-08-30 6:45 am
唔該幫我翻一翻下面d歌詞 0.0



回答 (3)

2007-08-31 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案




限りない大地に 転がってる未来
是正在無邊無際的大地上 降臨的未來




優しさも馴れ合いも かなぐり捨てて
善意與附和都 毫不留戀的拋棄

いつか あざやかに咲かせるのは 才能なんかじゃないさ
有一天 能夠燦爛地盛開的 不是才能吧

この胸をかきたてる 素直な鼓動 それだけ
煽動我的胸膛的 只有這坦誠的心跳


その場しのぎのような 余裕ならいらない
敷衍了事般的餘裕 這種東西的話沒有必要

肌を刺すプレッシャーと 果てない空
刺痛肌膚的壓力與 無盡的天空





悲しみも喜びも かなぐり捨てて
悲傷與快樂 毫不留戀的拋棄

いつか たどりつきたい所は 安らぎじゃないはずさ
有一天 想到達的地方 不是安穩吧

この胸をふるわせる 新しい疾風 信じて
振奮我的胸膛的 新的疾風 我相信著

うなる獣たちよりも早く 牙をとぎ走り出せ
比咆哮的野獸更快速 磨尖獠牙衝出去吧

後ろへと退くことも 忘れるほどに

強く 奏でてるこのリズムを 誰も止められない
強烈地奏鳴著的節拍 誰也無法停止

身体中 駆けめぐる 野性の鼓動 叫ぶ
身體之中 到處奔走 野性的鼓動 呼喊著


悲しみも喜びも かなぐり捨てて
悲傷與快樂 毫不留戀的拋棄

いつか たどりつきたい所は 安らぎじゃないはずさ
有一天 想到達的地方 應該不是安穩吧

この胸をふるわせる 新しい疾風 信じて
振奮我的胸膛的 新的疾風 我相信著
參考: 自己~
2007-08-30 6:53 am
作詞︰ 鳥海雄介
作曲︰ 草野呀做放的
編曲︰ 景家淳歌︰ 進清十郎 ( 鄉燒酒也)
不停止的順風撫摸臉 無聊的現實的能蠱惑明天 無常性的 -茄子表示 在無限的大地上 正在滾的未來 如果踢害怕的昨天上就 能抓住取下 比起遙遠的遠的天空更高地讓翅膀振翅搏動吧 也親密溫柔還有 把胡亂地脫掉 不知不覺 讓鮮明地開 才能不 建立柿子這胸 天真的跳動 僅僅那些 不要一會兒的溫暖站住 象暫時湊合那個場合一樣 搓富余習慣的樣子 刺皮膚的壓力和 不終的天空 猛吹的刺激招手照 不要應該奇跡焦急地等待 抓住拿的 比起遙遠的遠的天空更高地讓翅膀振翅搏動吧 悲哀和喜悅都 把胡亂地脫掉 不知不覺 想好容易才走到的地方 平靜應該不是 震動這胸 相信新疾式呻吟的野獸靠近呀靠近的出淺灘之后吧后退都忘記結實地奏了的這節奏誰都跑不能停下的身體正在 野性的跳動 喊叫 比起遠的天空更高地讓翅膀振翅搏動吧 悲哀和喜悅都 把胡亂地脫掉 不知不覺 想好容易才走到的地方 平靜應該不是 震動這胸 相信新的疾風
2007-08-30 6:51 am
Awfully taking over the sky, riding ringing in the star, the stairway kicking, rising, like this! If useless with that it is useless satisfaction? Don't you think? something my pace so, my name マジ you apply and/or win at the time of the ぃ and/or do still keenly it is lively キビキビ go show nature Crying, laughing, the time it does not stop, inserting in the ろ losing paragraph て hand which is, the ぜ one even number which originally is zero how is to be? Don't you think?, it clears up gradually and the abandonment which is the tomorrow which is crossed at the time of the ぜ ミンミン cicada which how is not the rain it is audible the ぜ which summer of everyone is AH! Ah! Facing toward dream AH! Ah! The decoration sharing, AH! Ah! It is painful, it serves, the ぜ! Number one you aim, running, AH! Ah! Even day of rain AH! Ah! Feeling the ぜ AH which would like to be agreeable! Ah! It is tomorrow day after tomorrow yesterday present what and the my way which was bitten Night and day it is good decisively with バンバンザイ, crying reaching, as for all right you who would like lending the difficult problem shoulder as for the Mho man tie excessiveness consent! On the other hand approval cynical there is no コックローチ we in the porch which is bought and wanton the tomorrow bloom blooms easily Completion, you call with incomplete whichever and hesitate is, next year and year after next getting near, is, the one flesh Earnestly, ジャマイカン densely it is, it is! Don't you think? at the time of the ぜ ミンミン cicada which probably will go brightly the rain it is audible or the ぜ which summer of everyone is it can rise earnestly conversely? As for we the ぜ which it is not possible ドキドキ can settle ドギマギ steadily and is hasty AH! Ah! Facing toward dream AH! Ah! Voice to put out, AH! Ah! It is painful, it serves, the ぜ! Number one you aim, running, AH! Ah! Even day of clearing up AH! Ah! Feeling the ぜ AH which would like to be agreeable! Ah! It is tomorrow day after tomorrow yesterday present what and the my way which was bitten Becoming close gradually, you think as the く line, the bridge lifetime refreshment where where but also the moment distance it becomes and cries in the glory to hold and faces in tomorrow Gradually to clear up the abandonment which has the tomorrow which is crossed the ぜ which how is not should have advanced steadily, this ride in the empty sound wind whose you should have sung gently with the smiling face the footstep it is gradually blue it should have climbed steadily narrow world spring out AH! Ah! Facing toward dream AH! Ah! Voice to put out, AH! Ah! It is painful, it serves, the ぜ! Number one you aim, running, AH! Ah! Even every day AH! Ah! Feeling the ぜ AH which would like to be agreeable! Ah! It is tomorrow day after tomorrow yesterday present what and the my way which was bitten

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