
2007-08-30 6:03 am
The applicant's sponsor is my younger sister. The applicant is my younger sister's husband. I knew them for over 10 years. I often contact my younger sister by phone. Normally, we have a chat within 1 month by phone. We talk everything and know that they love each other. They have regular phone calls on Sunday mornings. They have rarely missed the calls.

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 6:39 am
The applicant is my younger sister's husband and his sponsor is his wife . I know them for over 10 years. I often contact my younger sister by phone and we talk everythings. I know that they love each other. They have regular phone calls on Sunday mornings and rarely missed the calls.
2007-08-30 6:12 am
I knew them for over 10 years. --> I have known them for over 10 years.

Normally, we have a chat within 1 month by phone. --> We usually phone up for a chat at least once a month.

We talk everything and know that they love each other. --> [Confusing personal pronouns (WE and THEY)]: WE talk about everything and (WHO?) know that THEY love each other.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:11:12
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