
2007-08-30 4:45 am
1.The area of a parallelogram is equal to the area of a triangle.The height of the triangle is 5cm.If the two figures have the same base,find the height of the parallelogram.
Let the height of the parallelogram be h cm and their bases be b cm.
2.The distance between the points(12,5)and(18,5) is______.
3.The distance between the points(x,y)and(-x,y) is______.

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. height of parallelogram = 2.5 cm

area of triangle = b x 5 / 2 = 2.5 b
area of parallelogram = b x h = area of triangle = 2.5 b

b x h = 2.5 b
h = 2.5

2. distance = 18 - 12 = 6(becuase of same y)

3. distance = x - (-x) = x + x = 2x
2007-08-30 5:09 am
area of parallelogram = baseXheight
area of triangle = 1/2 X base X height
for same area and same base.
Height of parallelogram = 1/2 of height of trangle = 2.5cm
distance =18-12=6
3. distance = x-(-X)= 2x.
參考: maths

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