how to train your viking係講咩野本圖書

2007-08-30 2:16 am
how to train your viking係講咩架...


回答 (1)

2007-09-02 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hiccup: Hiccup is the main character in the stories. He is an unusual viking that thinks before does anything. He is a living example of brain beats muscle. His dragon is Toothless.

Fishlegs: Fishlegs is Hiccup's best friend that is allergic to almost everything. He's a bit of a wimp but he has shown himslef to be quite cunning when he needs to be. His dragon is named Horrorcow.

Stiock the vast: Hiccup's father and leader of the hairy hoolagins.

Snotface Snotlout: Snotface is hiccup's cousin though he'd probably never admit it. He's a big bully who is always bossing the other kids around. His dragon is a monsterous nightmare named Fireworm.

Dogsbreath the Duhbrain: Snotface's partner, who beats everyone up for him. He is really stupid and doesn't talk much. His Dragon is named seaslug.

Valhallarama: Hiccup's mother

Camicazi: Camicazi is a fierce swordfighter from the tribe of female warriors known as the bog burglars. She is a good friend of hiccup's. Though she is very skilled at escapes and burglary, she doesn't think deeply.
參考: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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