
2007-08-30 12:47 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
u need to have some patience as my baby was like that b4, need to give baby water everyday for a few oz during the day for few times, then when baby grows, they will like to drink water. my baby was like that, now she is 5 months la and i cant say she likes to drink but at least she doesnt resist.
2007-08-30 12:57 am
儘量比水喇, 唔好比咁多葡萄糖水或果汁, 飲慣左對牙仔生長唔係咁好. 不過有可能係d 水既氯氣味太重. 你考慮下裝部淨水機喇, 係就係貴少少, 不過健康仲緊要呀. 我自已都係為左2個仔裝左部淨水機, 飲憤左淨水之後, 真係覺得一般d 煲過既水喉水有陣味. 同埋如果住緊層樓屬舊樓既話, d 水管一定唔會乾淨得去邊, 因為我岩岩換個瀘芯真係會嚇你一跳, 成個瀘芯都係啡色.
希望我d 意見對你有用

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