past particple 點用

2007-08-30 12:34 am
present tense用於現在時態
past tense用於過去時態
past participle咁係點用呢

He eats his breakfast (present tense)
He ate his breakfast (past tense)
..........應該點用(past participle)

There are two types of participle in English: the past participle and the present participle.

回答 (2)

2007-08-30 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Past participle 用於現在完成時態或過去完成時態

For example,

He has eaten his breakfast.

He had eaten his breakfast.

現在分詞(present participle)
the form of the verb that in English ends in -ing and is used with the verb to be to form PROGRESSIVE tenses such as I was running or sometimes as an adjective as in running water.

過去分詞(past participle)
the form of a verb that in English ends in -ed, -en, etc. and is used with the verb have to form PERFECT tenses such as I have eaten, with the verb be to form PASSIVE sentences such as It was destroyed, or sometimes as an adjective as in an upset stomach

I hope the above can help you to know more about English!
參考: Me and Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, sixth Edition
2007-08-30 9:28 am
ses of participles. A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective and is used with an auxiliary verb to form tenses and, in the case of the past participle, the passive voice. The present participle ends in -ing (going, running). The past participle for many verbs ends in -ed (created, walked); other past participles have a different form, and often a different vowel, from their base form (made from make, ridden from ride, swum from swim). The present participle is used with be to indicate continuing action or state (I am going. They were laughing. We have been talking). The past participle is used with have to form past tenses (We have climbed. She had ridden. They have sung) and with be to form the passive voice (The floor is being scrubbed. The ball was kicked. The car has been driven.). 1
dangling participles. Participial phrases are used chiefly to modify nouns, as in Sitting at his desk, he read the letter carefully where the sitting phrase modifies he. It is important to remember that readers will ordinarily associate a participle with the noun or noun phrase that is adjacent to it. Thus readers will consider a sentence such as Turning the corner, the view was quite different to be an error, for the view did not do the turning. A sentence like this needlessly distracts the reader and would be better recast as When we turned the corner, the view was quite different or Turning the corner, we had a different view. The problem of dangling participles is treated more broadly under dangling modifiers. 2
participles and absolute constructions. Be careful not to confuse a participial phrase that modifies a noun with an absolute construction that employs a participle. The difference is between sentences such as Taking down the poster, he went inside and The poster having been taken down, he went inside. Absolute constructions can dangle where they please since by their “absolute” nature they do not modify a specific element in the rest of the sentence. For more on this, see absolute constructions. 3
participles as prepositions. A number of expressions originally derived from participles have become prepositions, and you can use these to introduce phrases that are not associated with the immediately adjacent noun phrase. Such expressions include concerning, considering, failing, granting, judging by, and speaking of. Thus you can say without fear of criticism Speaking of politics, the elections have been postponed or Considering the hour, it is surprising that he arrived at all. 4
participles as adjectives. Many participles can also function as adjectives: an interesting experience, an interested customer; the surprising results, the surprised researchers. But it is often hard to tell when a participle is an adjective, especially with past participles. Linguists have a number of tests for confirming an adjective. Here are four of them:

You can tell that a past participle is really part of a passive verb—and not an adjective—when it is followed by a by prepositional phrase that has a personal agent as its object. Thus, the participle married would be part of the verb in the sentence Chuck and Wendy were married by a bishop but used as an adjective in the sentence Chuck and Wendy were happily married for about six months. To confirm the adjectival status of a participle, try transforming the sentence to see if the participle can come before the noun: For about six months Chuck and Wendy were a happily married couple. 7

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