redox reaction既一題問題

2007-08-30 12:06 am
佢話oxidation就係loss electron.. reduction就gain electron
但係我睇d式..通常都係e- ..冇乜分別wor...有冇人可以話我知點睇佢gain定loss(點分佢係oxidation定reduction)...點樣去寫d半反應式

回答 (1)

2007-08-30 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
oxidation: Fe2+ -------> Fe3+ + e- (Fe loses one electron to change from 2+ to 3+)

reduction: Ag+ + e- -------> Ag (Ag gains one electron to change from + to 0 neutral)

In real situation, oxidation and reduction could not exist by it own. One gives out electrons, somebody has to accept so oxidation and reduction exist together. These pair of reactions are called redox reaction. For example,

Fe2+ + Ag+ -------> Fe3+ + Ag

One electron is given up by Fe2+ to become Fe3+(oxidation), this electron is captured by Ag+ to become Ag (reduction).

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