
2007-08-29 11:50 pm
This is what I saw when I came online.
of course Im mad at you os ( 名)es.
But where can I tell you that when I cannot reach you at all??

回答 (3)

2007-08-30 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先, 段英文一定唔係鬼佬寫. 因為寫得好差. 其次, 段野唔係好表達到作者想講咩. 無論如何, 我試下翻譯.

This is what I saw when I came online. of course Im mad at you os ( 名)es. But where can I tell you that when I cannot reach you at all??
當我上線時, 我先睇到這些東西. 無可否認, 我係嬲你. 但係, 我搵極都搵你唔到, 你叫我點同你講呢?

ps: 翻譯得比較口語化, 希望你明白.
2007-08-30 12:14 am
2007-08-30 12:10 am
這是什麼我看見了我在網上來了。當然Im 瘋狂對您os (?)es 。但在哪裡我可以告訴您那我無法到達您根本??


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