
2007-08-29 11:39 pm
1. There are only 3 days left. 點解用left 表示剩下而唔係用leave?

2. Don't you like coffee? 係唔係即係Do you like coffe? Like ge 答係唔係答Yes?

3. 同樣Can't you do that? 即係Can you you do that? 可以ge 話係唔係答Yes?

4. How about you? 句中點解冇verb?

回答 (3)

2007-08-30 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are only 3 days that are left. 即係一句 defining relative clause,而當中 relative pronoun 同 be 都可以省略,就變成 ... 3 days left
Do you like coffee? 你喜歡飲咖啡嗎? Can you do that? 你做唔做到呢件事?
Don't you like coffee? 你不是喜歡飲咖啡嗎? Can't you do that? 你唔係做得到呢件事o既咩?
睇到啦,問者其實問之前心中已有答案/立場。但答o既時候,都係一樣,你係俾正面答案就用 yes 啦。
4.How about...? 其實等於 How do you feel about ...?
2007-08-30 12:02 am
1) There are only 3 days left = 還有3日就完
ie. There are only 3 days left till the end of the festival. (or)
Q= How many days are left till the end of the festival?
A = There are only 3 days left.

2) both are ok.
ie. Q: Don't you like coffee? / A= Yes, but i prefer to drink too more.
ie Q: Do you like coffee? / A = Yes, I can't live without coffee.

3) Can you you do that? <-- doesn't make sense.
Q = Can't you do that? / A = Yes, but I prefer not to.

4) How about you? (this is a phrase for common casual conversations... like between friends)

ex: I'm going to the mall afterwards. How about you? You wanna come?
2007-08-30 12:22 am
1. There are only 3 days left. 點解用left 表示剩下而唔係用leave?
This is ‘passive voice’ (被動式) = are “to be” + left (leave 的 past participle)

2. Don't you like coffee? 係唔係即係Do you like coffe? Like ge 答係唔係答Yes?
This is ‘Question Tag’.
Don’t you like coffee, 在這加 do you? 答案已經在前句No, I don’t.
Do you like coffee, 在這加don’t you? 答案已經在前句 Yes, I do.

3. 同樣Can't you do that? 即係Can you you do that? 可以ge 話係唔係答Yes?
周上This is ‘Question Tag’.
Can’t you do that, 在這加can you? 答案已經在前句No, I can’t.
Can you do that, 在這加can’t you? 答案已經在前句 Yes, I can.

4. How about you? 句中點解冇verb?
係無ge. 這句只是在對話上用ge
參考: me

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