TV programmes(20分)

2007-08-29 11:00 pm
TV programmes , 請幫幫忙!
1.summary of the programme - 請舉些例子
2.the reason(s) y i watch this programme - 呢方面點講好?我鐘意睇,但係又講唔出佢有咩好ge地方~呢條問題好重要,請俾多d意見同睇法!(我想揀 TheOC,or Lost)
3. My Reflections


回答 (1)

2007-08-30 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
hmm i can give you some advice on where to start

first of all you have to select a TV programme (obviously)

1 summary of the programme
this TV programme is called (name). it is about (what happens in the TV show, a short description of the storyline; a short character description, maybe the named of the actors). (for inspration look for movie descriptions at the back of a DVD / VCD case, those are good examples)

2 reasons why you watch this programme
好睇 - why? do you like the drama factor? or the romance? or both? what is so interesting about it? maybe you can write about how the end of one episode makes you want to watch the next one, or how every episode is connected and you don't want to miss the story line etc

3 reflection
basically what are your opinions on the programme. what are its exllence and flaws? (goods and bads) in your opinion, how can it be improved?

4 channel
which channel (duh) and what time is it on show

5 length
how long does each episode last, how many episode in total, how many seasons

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