Chemistry Electrolysis

2007-08-29 10:34 pm
What will be liberated when 2M H2SO4 is electrolyzed? WHY (How to know)?

回答 (1)

2007-08-29 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
4OH-(aq) -->O2(g)+4e- +2H2O(l)
At anode(positively charged),colouless gas bubbles(O2) will be produced.
OH-is preferentially discharged(OH-is at higher position in electrochemical series than SO4 2-),so colourless gas bubbles(O2 )will be formed

2H+(aq) +2e- -->H2(g)
At cathode(negatively charged),colourless gas bubbles(H2)will be produced.
H+ is preferentially discharged(no other choice),so colourless gas bubbles(H2) produced.

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