
2007-08-29 10:12 pm

回答 (3)

2007-08-29 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(一) 次按再發威,美股跌,香港跟著跌。想知明天跌不跌,便要留意今晩美股走勢。香港是9:00a.m,美國是9:00p.m.。今晩香港時間9:00p.m.開市,可參考http://money18.on.cc/顯示的美股走勢。

2007-08-30 00:50:55 補充:
2007-08-30 3:04 am
The correction is very normal and reasonable since the rebound is extremely too quick and horriable ( more than 4000 pts just one week ,ie .total recovery ).
For S E Asia , just rebound 7 % in last week after dropping 22% in the Aug 's correction .

The so -called rebound and record-high breaking is totally due to the "frying ".

Do u think it 's healthy to grow continuously to 24500 or 25000 directly from now ?It 's good to ve another big correction to cool down and consolidate step by step and then rise again in order to prevent a real stock disaster .

Plaese be realistic and think carefully whether those prices of 991 , 2600 . 358 ., 2628 are reasonable or not .

Don't think the mainlanders , esp QDII to be so stupid will buy those stocks at such high prices from ur hands .The chin gov't may also prevent her citizens to do so .

Just "frying "the concept of difference between A-H stocks is meaningless and not long lasting .The bubble must break out soon and result in a big correction .The healthy growth of each stock must base on her p/e , profit , market sharing , etc .

Many HK stock speculators may be "robbed "by those US / Eur market makers once more like that of 17th Aug .

Please don't dream again and be reminded that the "double peak " suitation has been formed .A large correction 'll come if there are so many bad news ,esp in US/EUR /Jap , go hand in hand soon .
2007-08-29 10:16 pm
升得咁急, 日日都列口高開, 回吐係預期之事, 咁岩又撞正期指結數 又加美國個邊數據出奇地差, d 淡友咪成機發爛, 仲唔做低個巿咩

我都預左會咁, 所以前二日沽左8 成貨, 睇位觀望先再入返


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