Translation please! 20+20

2007-08-29 10:10 pm
please translate !

夢如人坐, 人生如夢.
只需與這同意義便OK, 最好傳神一點. 翻譯機免問.

回答 (5)

2007-08-30 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
夢如人生, 人生如夢....令我想到一首歌叫Interlude,第一句係Time is like a deam
譯夢如人生, 人生如夢, 用 LIFE IS LIKE A DREAM. 已經OK.

正如katlsm所講,like慣常有兩個解釋,1.喜歡, 2.相似
I like you. (個個都知, 意思係我喜歡你) <--- like是動詞
I am like you. (唔好以為我打錯, 意思係我像你) <--- like是形容詞

2007-08-30 11:28:32 補充:
Interlude Time is like a dream and now for a time you are mine, Let's hold fast to the dream that tastes and sparkles like wine, Who knows if it's real or just something We both dreaming of, What seems like an interlude now, Could be the beginning of love.........
2007-08-30 7:39 am
唔好意思, 我唔係好明咩叫夢如人坐
life is like a dream

一定要加is 係like前面
is like 就解好像
參考: myself
2007-08-30 5:27 am
Dream resembles Life, Life resembles Dream
參考: 放心,100%自己譯~~
2007-08-30 3:41 am
Dreams like a life, and life likes a dream
參考: me
2007-08-29 10:19 pm
夢如人生, 人生如夢.
Dreams as life, life is dream

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