About English - Phone manner

2007-08-29 9:24 pm
在公司接電話, 如果個同事唔响位到, 點講 ?


回答 (4)

2007-08-29 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sorry that xxx is not around. Can I take a message for her/him?


I'm sorry that xxx is not available at the moment. Can I take a message for her/him?
2007-08-29 10:33 pm
Sorry, he/she is not around.
首先, 要話人家知, 果個同事唔响位到.

然後, (1) 你應該問吓佢係邊位? May I know who's calling?

(2) 可唔可以留低口信? May I take the message for him/her?
2007-08-29 9:56 pm
I'm afraid he/she is not in his/her seat at the moment, may I take the message for you?
對方可能留口信, 然後你可以咁結尾 :
OK, thanks for calling. Will pass on your message to him/her.
參考: Myself
2007-08-29 9:35 pm
SORRY, the one you are calling is not here, may you call her later?

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