用颜色决定ALOE GEL 的好坏?

2007-08-29 6:56 pm
用颜色决定ALOE GEL 的好坏?

why some of aloe gel are no color but others are in green.
all of them are shown 100% aloe..
then which one is more reliable and good to my pimple...

回答 (3)

2007-09-03 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
ALOE GEL in nature is mostly like transparent jelly. Those in green were coloured artificially.

I, however, wonder there should be no 100% ALOE GEL in sale unless they collect the gel freshly from a piece of ALOE leaf but that gel can't be kept for more than a week. 99.9% ALOE GEL should be the maximum as the 0.1% is those chemicals to make the gel more stable and act as perservatives at the minimal level.

I've used 99.9% ALOE GEL for two years. The brand name is ORGANIC ALOE VERA GEL by ALOE PURA which are sold in Citysuper & Sogo (HK$170/200ml). This GEL emphazised using Bio Active Aloe Vera and the aloe content and purity of the products have been certified by the International Aloe Scinence Council.

I've tried ALOE GEL in different brands for years and find the foregoing one is the most absorbable on faces. But, even that is the most absorbable one, I find that those not has been absorbed by the skin will form a thin layer on faces especially in the low humidity days. Therefore, if you really want to use ALOE GEL continuously, don't put excess amount onto the faces and you need to message it gently in order to make it goes into the skin.
參考: myself
2007-08-29 8:51 pm


msn: [email protected]

2007-08-29 8:28 pm
蘆薈啫喱當然係透明的, 因為蘆薈植物本身有效的部份都係透明的, 提煉後又點會有其他顏色呢, 對暗瘡有效用的, 你可以使用 Herbal Aloe Gel, 每支都係$107 (200ml), 如果你有需要可以email給我 [email protected]

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