
2007-08-29 6:12 pm


同Honda Jazz相比, 有何好處&壞處??

回答 (3)

2007-08-31 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honda Jazz:佢用i-DSI引擎, 慳油兼好力, 但係街上面太多, 成日撞款, 而且就快轉款, 買新車請考慮清楚, 買二手就可以等新款出左之後, 二手價回落至好買;

Mazda 2:萬事得大改革後既頭炮作, 可惜車廂太細, 高佬高妹未必啱使.
English introducing of the all new Mazda 2:
2007-08-29 7:01 pm
The New mazda 2 is such a good japanese car in the human history, cause it is light, easy to drive, and its looking is good..

If you have to compare to the jazz, jazz will be a bit hard to drive than the Mazda 2, cause the new Mazda 2's weight comsumption is much more better than the Jazz, and it is more powerful, and got sameamount of fuel to burn, so Mazda will be the best choice among those rubbish rivals

2007-08-29 11:03:03 補充:
That people saying bullshit up there..Are you working fr the dealership of Honda...even you need a 13 years old kid, and that's me, to teach you how a Honda sucks, go and farming
2007-08-29 6:20 pm
買得過Honda Jazz好D

2007-08-29 10:21:17 補充:

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