只係打左2枝乙型肝炎, 點算?

2007-08-29 5:45 pm
本人約4年前打過乙型肝炎針, 但只係打左2枝, 欠1枝未打

我可以去邊度打針, 平d?

回答 (2)

2007-08-29 6:56 pm
According to the CDC:
"If the vaccination series is interrupted after the first dose, the second dose should be administered as soon as possible. The second and third doses should be separated by an interval of at least 2 months. If only the third dose is delayed, it should be administered when convenient."

So for your case, you should get the 3rd dose - it'll work just as well. You can always check your hepatitis B antibodies afterwards to confirm for your status.
2007-08-29 5:58 pm
以我打過乙型肝炎針的經驗... 整個療程是需要打 3 枝的..

1st : 第一枝在一月打的話 (Jan)
2nd : 第二枝應在四月打 (3 個月後 ,Apr)
3rd : 第三枝應在九月打(6 個月後 ,Sep)

如你所述. 你沒打第三枝, 這應是沒完成整個療程, 所以應該不能完全有足夠抗體, 或不足以預防乙型肝炎.



錢財身外物. 如果為了平 而耽誤. 萬一感染了要用錢醫 都補唔番.
參考: experience

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