墨爾本trinity college ge foundation 同 monash ge taylor collage~

2007-08-29 4:56 pm
我想問如果我想去以上兩間collage 讀fundation 邊間會好d,係香港認受性好d?
1我去到aus 想讀 commerce and law~難唔難讀ga?
2我想問下兩個collage ge 課程難度相等於香港咩野程度?
3我想問要handle commerce and law ,會考應該要有咩野成績?
仲有~佢 trinity 話會考2c2d就讀得but 係唔係真係讀得掂ga?
最後我想問下係澳果d maths 同 a.maths有幾深?

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
i studied in trinity 2 years ago~~

Trinity college is recognized the best foundation in Australia. If you hold a certificate from it. YOu can apply monash U easily. However if u hold a certificate from Taylors, you need to get reli high grade ro enter melb uni.

1. There is no more Double degrees in melb uni now. However i dunno other Uni still hv still options or not.

2. The content is just same as HKAL. However the questions in the exam are far more easy and straight than HK. So if you do all the practice and p . p that will be fine.

3. Dont look at the past. Bygone are bygone. If you are willing to study hard. You can handle it~!!

If you can enter Foundation of trinity. 99% of HK people can enter melb uni. The only difference is wt faculty u want to enter. Of course famous faculty needs higher grade. Once again. The content in here is not that hard. No worries :D
參考: student in Melb uni graduated from tirnity college 2 yrs ago
2007-08-29 10:26 pm
1. If your English is good, no problem
2. Foundation = F6 in HK, if you get good result form your foundation study you can then apply into Uni
3. In term of Australian standard, Law student get all A in their Year 12 Public Exam
參考: studied in Australia

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