有關indirect questions

2007-08-29 12:51 pm
'Where is David's bag?',asked Tom.
點解會轉成Tom asked me where David's bag was.
令外'Can you be friends?',asked Andy.
係唔係轉成Andy asked me can our be friend.
我在indirect question很不董.

回答 (1)

2007-08-29 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1)第一條問題:你要記得,若我們要將直述句(Direct Speech),轉成間接敘述句(Indirect Speech陳述句)時,有一條法則必須牢記,這就是:時式的一致(Sequence of Tenses)


如:I think that he is honest. 和 I think that he was honest. 都可,但後句表示”現在你不是這麼想”

  I thought that he was honest.這句是正確的,但I thought that he is honest.這句就錯了。



  首先你要明白,在直述的問題中,我們發問時都用了倒裝法(inversion),所謂倒裝法,即將動詞或助動詞等放在主詞之前,如:How old are you?這句就將are放在you之前。但在間接敘述句(陳述句)裏,問題不會用倒裝;即要將助動詞,主動詞等放在主詞之後。

  Tom asked me that how old I was.

  現在,也許你已明白為甚麼你的示句,轉成間接敘述時,要寫成:Tom asked me where David's bag was.

3)'Can you be friends?', asked Andy.這句都有點怪怪,我猜想,你的意思是”我們可否做朋友?”,所以句子應為:'Can we be friends?', asked Andy.

 要將這句變成簡接敘述句,可以這樣寫:Andy asked me if we could be friends.


a)若是直述句為say時要轉為ask或inquire等,如:I said to hm,"what are you reading?"就要轉為I asked him what.....

b)若直述文句是用why, what, how, who, where等等(這些疑問詞是引出疑問句:如:What he was reading?的what是引出he was reading),則用這些疑問詞作連接詞就可以,如:He said to me,"why did you do such a thing?",就轉作He asked me why I......

若疑問詞不是引出疑問句:如Are you happy?等就用if (or whether)作連接詞,不可用that作連接詞

如:He said to me,"Do you know my brother?"就可轉成He asked me if I knew ......

c)將報告文改為平述句(即主詞+主動詞,即不要用倒裝法:動詞在主詞之前,如:What is your name?is這主動詞就在主詞your name之前),接在if(or whether)或其他疑問詞後面

如:I said to him,"what are you reading?"就成了I asked him what he was reading.

 He said to me,"Do you know my brother?"就成了He asked me if I knew his brother.



 John said to Mary,'Would you merry me?'

 若你的答案是:John asked Mary if she would marry him.那麼你已掌握怎樣將直述句轉做陳述句了。

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