
2007-08-29 8:50 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-29 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
well i dont think so, if you want to speak a language fluently, the most important thing is not what you learn how the book, almost it is also important, the most crucial thing is to speak to native speakers or go to the country, cuz theres no way you can learn the way they speak just by repeating what you saw in the book. i thought that i speak english really well until i went to high school in the US for the first year, no matter how perfect my grammar was, people could barely understand me because of my accent and i could barely understand them because of their slang and their way of speaking. well of course thats just my point of view, i hope that helps!!
2007-08-29 2:36 pm
Hallo ,

Nothing you can't learn,only you really want to learn or not.Before my english very bad.
( speaking ) If you want to learn to speak then everyday watching the english program.
Frist you have to learn to listen then try to speak.Read more book with the dictionary.
If u know more words then later you also can speak.But me only can speak about writing I am stupid.*_* Trust me ,... before I couldn't speak english,but now I married with a Dutch man.And I can speak dutch too.
2007-08-29 8:55 am

任何一樣你可以o係 市面上搵到教學書的東西,

2007-08-29 00:57:16 補充:
同埋要睇你 "學識" ge 定義係咩.....識讀 A - Z 都叫做學識架wor...........連老師都要進修啦...咁咩叫做識?

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